Grapefruit & rosemary olive oil cake

I work with a whole load of cake lovers. So far in 2013, not a week has gone by that hasn’t seen a collection of lawyers and journalists clustered around the goodies table, eagerly waiting for a slice whatever’s been bought from the bakery around the corner. We’re working our way through the whole cake menu, with a different option each week according to whose birthday it is, or, increasingly, what craving the purchaser had. We don’t need a birthday as an excuse for cake. A craving will do.


That said, I stumped the office a bit last week when I rocked up with this grapefruit and rosemary cake. My colleagues dived into the banana cake no questions asked, but steered clear of the grapefruit, wincing distrustfully as I told them that really, it does taste surprisingly nice, until one brave soul finally tried a slice. And liked it. After that, the pile soon went down. Continue reading