Beetroot Crème Egg brownies by Emine Hassan

Beetroot Crème Egg brownies

Let me just round this off by saying that beetroot and crème eggs go REALLY well together. Admittedly, grated beetroot folded into a brownie and then topped with an overly sweet (and therefore only acceptable at Easter time slash all year) confection is a far cry from perfect – think savoury chunks that, better welcomed in a summer salad.

But if you puree the beety goodness it isn’t so nuanced. Its there, but the only thing hitting you in the face with flavour will be the caramelized fondant from the crème egg.


Adapted from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Chocolate & Beetroot Brownies

150g unsalted butter
100g coconut oil
250g dark chocolate
200g golden caster sugar
3 eggs
200g self raising flour
250g boiled and pureed beetroot (I used a hand blender)
9 crème eggs

Note: You can make this recipe with all butter and it taste delicious. The beetroot overpowers (in a good way!) any rich butteryness you might expect from an all butter brownie so I chose to add coconut oil for a bit of a healthy balance. Because the fats are melted together in the recipe, using all coconut oil and no butter would work perfectly too.


  1. Line a rectangular brownie pan with parchment and preheat the oven to 180 C. Carefully slice crème eggs in half lengthways, using the indent on the chocolate as a guide. Place the butter, oil and chocolate into a medium Pyrex and microwave for 2 minute, stopping and stirring every 3 seconds.
  2. Set aside once everything has melted together smoothly. In a larger bowl whisk the eggs and sugar until combined and slowly pour in the chocolate mixture, keep whisking until incorporated.
  3. Sift over the flour and stir in until just combined. Fold in the pureed beetroot until red streaks no longer visible. Pour the batter into the pan and dot with the half eggs. Bake for 25 minutes until slightly risen and firm to touch. Cool completely in the pan, slice up and serve.